free travel agents? since when?

Since forever apparently. to my surprise as well.

I was inspired as a young adult to be a travel agent by a friend of mine’s mother. Her name is Kathy Birr and this post is dedicated to her services to my first all-inclusive vacation.

Frequently asked questions

Question: How do travel agents earn money?

Travel agents earn commissions through partnerships with various travel suppliers. When you book a service like a flight, hotel, or tour through a travel agent, the supplier (airline, hotel, etc.) pays the agent a commission for bringing in the business.

Question: Does the commission impact the price I pay for the service?

No, the commission doesn't directly impact the price you pay. It comes out of the supplier's earnings. The travel agent's compensation is covered by the supplier, and there's no additional charge to you.

Question: How is the commission calculated?

The commission is typically a percentage of the total cost of the booked service. It's a way for travel agents to be compensated for their expertise and services.

Question: Why should I use a travel agent if I don't pay them directly?

Using a travel agent adds value through their expertise, personalized service, and access to exclusive deals. Since their commission comes from the supplier, you can enjoy the benefits of their services without incurring extra costs.

Question: Can I trust that the travel agent has my best interests in mind?

Yes, reputable travel agents prioritize your satisfaction. They aim to provide the best options based on your preferences, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Question: Are there any hidden fees associated with using a travel agent?

No, you won't incur hidden fees. The travel agent's compensation is transparently covered by the supplier, and they should be upfront about any additional costs related to your booking.

Question: How can I be sure the travel agent is recommending the best options for me?

Communication is key. Clearly express your preferences, budget, and expectations. A good travel agent will tailor recommendations to suit your needs and provide options that align with your travel goals.

Embark on your journey with confidence, knowing that your travel agent is dedicated to crafting the perfect experience for you, backed by transparent compensation structures that prioritize your satisfaction. Safe travels!

With love, 

h & B @ hbtt

HB Tour & Travel

The brainchild of two college best friends that love to experience what the world has to offer. HB Tour & Travel encourages cultural immersion, sustainability in travel, and personalized experiences. Visit our site to submit a FREE travel quote!

Puerto Rico - a month of work and play