Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer
— Unknown

Did You Know We Offer Services Free of Charge?

Visit our blog post for additional FAQs.

  • Travel agents earn commissions through their partnerships with various travel suppliers.

  • When you, as a client, book a service like a flight, hotel, or tour through a travel agent, the supplier (airline, hotel, etc.) pays the agent a commission for bringing in the business.

  • It’s important to note that the commission doesn’t directly impact the price you pay. Instead, it comes out of the supplier’s earnings.

Please click the button below to get started with your free travel quote today.

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HBTT’s priority is exploring the extraordinary, Responsibly

Our mission is to build and provide our community with unique experiences that blend serenity with world exploration. We believe in crafting personalized adventures that immerse you in the unique essence of each destination. With a commitment to sustainability, we are working with The Elm Project, an aspiring 501(c)(3) to support our mission by planting a tree per every dollar donated. HBTT guarantees 1%+ of every booking total amount will be donated towards reforestation & sustainability.

Discover Hidden Gems & Authentic Experiences

Enjoy boutique accommodations or exclusive excursions with exceptional quality, ensuring unforgettable moments on every trip. We are committed to providing premium sustainable travel in every opportunity possible, we strive to leave a positive impact on the destinations we visit while providing authentic experiences for our clients.