Shoulder season: the sweet spot between PEAK TRAVEL. Enjoy ideal weather, fewer crowds, and great deals for a perfect getaway.

HBTT’s FAVorites for shoulder season

  • Chianti, Italy

    Experience Chianti, Italy in shoulder season for a tranquil escape. Relish the vineyards under softer sunlight, savor local wines without the crowds, and explore charming villages at your own pace. Enjoy the essence of Chianti with fewer tourists and a more intimate atmosphere.

  • Santorini, Greece

    Discover Santorini's beauty in a more serene setting once tourists trickle out. Relish the island's relaxed ambiance. Explore whitewashed villages, enjoy delightful weather, and savor the Aegean Sea views without the usual hustle. Experience Santorini's charm intimately.

  • New Orleans, USA

    New Orleans welcomes you to dive into its vibrant culture and festivals at a relaxed pace. Experience the city's unique charm without the usual hustle, allowing for a more intimate connection with its rich musical, culinary, and festive traditions. Enjoy the lively atmosphere with a refreshing ambiance.


2024 seasonal travel

*Subject to change

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  • Travel agents earn commissions through their partnerships with various travel suppliers. 
  • When you, as a client, book a service like a flight, hotel, or tour through a travel agent, the supplier (airline, hotel, etc.) pays the agent a commission for bringing in the business. This commission is typically a percentage of the total cost of the booked service.
  • It’s important to note that the commission doesn’t directly impact the price you pay. Instead, it comes out of the supplier’s earnings. In other words, the travel agent’s compensation is covered by the supplier, not by an additional charge to you.

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