We’re Planting Trees On Your Behalf

To care about seeing the world is to care about the environment. At HBTT, we believe in creating immersive experiences meanwhile addressing the pressing environmental crisis. By choosing us, you’re not only getting free travel advice but also contributing to a greener, healthier world—before it’s too late. I’m not sure about you, but I refuse to move to Mars!

Support the Clean Air Task Force: “We push the change in technologies and policies needed to get to a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost. We imagine a world where the energy needs of all people are met efficiently without damaging the atmosphere.”

It is an emergency, regardless of political party

It’s idiotic to say cars, factories, and the evergrowing consumption of our people haven’t damaged the planet to the point of peril. It’s difficult as a single person to make a direct impact on global reforestation efforts which is why we want to offer you a solution. The Elm Project, a visionary nonprofit dedicated to reducing waste and reforesting our planet provided us the perfect partnership to ensure our efforts weren’t fruitless. For every trip you book, we donate 1% of your total booking price to The Elm Project at no extra cost to you. This means that for every dollar donated, a new tree is planted, helping to restore forests and support biodiversity.

A few of our clients have already surpassed planting 100 trees! Often this can be done with a single vacation booking through HBTT.

Create An Immediate Impact Beyond Your Journey

Your travels contribute to a larger cause whether you participate in it or not. Even Google Flights is guilting the traditional consumer to reduce fuel emissions. It’s not realistic to believe you can always choose the lowest emitting flight offered, especially in this economy.

To envision a world where nature and industry coexist harmoniously feels almost far-off. Your support helps turn this vision into reality, one tree at a time. The time to act is NOW.

We believe in transparency. You can learn more about our partner, The Elm Project, and their impactful work by visiting their website theelmprojects.com. Don’t forget to check out the handmade tote bags! I own 3 of them.

Support the American Bear Association: “As you know the greatest threats to bears are loss of habitat and intolerant human attitudes.”

How It Works

BOOK A TRIP Choose a destination and book through HB Tour & Travel. Enjoy our free service and, if desired, opt for our paid itinerary planning for an incredible travel experience.

TRAVEL SUSTAINABLY Knowing you’ve made a positive - or at least not negative - contribution to the environment helps one’s soul. Easy examples to implement while traveling include:

  • Reduce Towel Waste: Reuse towels during your hotel stay. Housekeepers often do not replace unless towels are left on the ground.

  • Recycle: Separate your waste and ensure recyclables go into the correct bins. American citizens typically need to familiarize with the rules.

  • Bring a Reusable Water Bottle: Avoid single-use plastics by carrying a reusable water bottle.

  • Support Local and Sustainable Businesses: Choose to dine at restaurants & dine at restaurants that prioritize locally-sourced, organic ingredients. The food tastes better this way.

  • Minimize Car Use: Opt for walking, biking, or public transportation instead of renting a car.

  • Respect Wildlife: Avoid activities that exploit animals. Instead, visit sanctuaries and reserves that focus on conservation & education.

BOOK ANOTHER TRIP Choose another destination and book through HB Tour & Travel. Watch your tree count grow!

Join Us in Making a Difference

Travel is about making meaningful connections, exploring other parts of the world, and leaving a positive footprint. With HBTT, your exploring contributes to a cause that matters for you and generations to come. Experience the world while helping to preserve it for the future.

With Love,

H & B @ HBTT

HB Tour & Travel

The brainchild of two college best friends that love to experience what the world has to offer. HB Tour & Travel encourages cultural immersion, sustainability in travel, and personalized experiences. Visit our site to submit a FREE travel quote!


H’s Travel Bucket List


You’re Not Rich Enough To Stick To One Airline